Admixtures News

Promotion Catalog of AATE for Mine Safety (2024)

FROM:MSW crusher DATE:2024-10-08 15:09:30 CLICK:87  

The "Promotion Catalog of Advanced and Applicable Technologies and Equipment for Mine Safety (2024)" and the "Elimination Catalog of Outdated Processes and Equipment for Mine Safety (2024)" were recently released. The promotion catalog contains 44 items, covering major disaster management, intelligent construction, emergency rescue and other directions; the elimination catalog contains 10 items, mainly including transportation, power supply, blasting, etc.

According to the deputy director of the State Administration of Mine Safety, outdated processes and equipment for mine safety refer to technologies, processes, materials and equipment with poor safety performance and low reliability, which seriously endanger the safety of mine production. The catalog is mandatory and mining enterprises must strictly implement it. The objects collected in the elimination catalog are mainly three categories: one is accidents caused by backward technology, defects, etc.; the second is poor safety and reliability and major safety hazards; the third is that they have been expressly prohibited from use in related industries.

Advanced and applicable technologies and equipment for mine safety refer to technologies, processes, materials and equipment with excellent safety performance, high degree of intelligence or strong practicality, which can play an important role in mine disaster prevention and control, monitoring and early warning, emergency rescue and safety supervision and inspection.

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